Erin is both badass and bookworm. Here are a few of her favorite recent reads:

A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Building A Great Business - Ari Weinzweig

"Success means getting better problems."

Unfinished Business - Anne-Marie Slaughter

"Advancing women means breaking free of a new set of stereotypes and assumptions, not only for women, but also for men.  It means challenging a much wider range of conventional wisdom about what we value and why, about measures of success, about the wellsprings of human nature and what equality really means.  It means rethinking everything from workplace design to life stages to leadership style."

Tribe - Sebastian Junger

"Humans don't mind hardship, in fact they thrive on it; what they mind is not feeling necessary.  Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary."

Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making - Sam Kaner

"Successful group decision-making requires a group to take advantage of the full range of experience and skills that reside in its membership.  This means encouraging people to speak up.  It means inviting difference, not fearing it.  It means struggling to understand one another, especially in the face of the pressures and contradictions that typically drive group members to shut down.  In short, it means operating from participatory values."

Emergent Strategy - Adrienne Maree Brown

"We learn to deny our longings and our skills, and to do work that occupies our hours without inspiring our greatness."